You gotta know where you went wrong to figure out how to get it right.
Well, you must have realized already that life isn’t designed to see the whole picture at once. It keeps throwing you hints now and then to give you a better understanding of how it works.
But we tend to see it differently. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have time or even the mental ability or knowledge to recognise what they are.
People talk about exploring the world and going on adventures but what they forget is our mind is one of the best places to explore, we are one of the treasures yet to be discovered.
We think that we are having certain emotions towards everything that will be fixed for our entire life, have you ever asked yourself the question WHY?
Well, it’s not too late to stop and ask yourself the question WHY? because it’s where you start exploring your true self. The real you. Are you excited? I would say I was rather confused and almost scared when I started asking myself the question why?
Actually, I forgot to say you need of asking yourself all those questions of WHY?
You see ever since childhood some of our actions or experiences have made a huge impact on us that we never even realise that they are the reason for who we are today.
Your memories decide your moment now
You might have many good memories and at times you must have felt like you have seen enough worst for the rest of your life. All those important memories have a huge impact on your upbringing as a self. Your self-image develops based on what you take from those incidents. Your worst fears or your best talents seem to come from them.
So I want to let you have a moment here to go back to your childhood and think of all those memories which helped you be the person you are now.
Every one of us wants to have the best for ourselves, we want to be the best of ourselves, and yes! you deserve all the happiness in the world. When you start analysing why you are behaving in a certain way you are trying to solve a problem from the root cause of it.
All my childhood I grew up feeling bad about my skin tone or my extra body fat and I never could accept myself for who I am all these things made me desperate to have appreciation from people.
I chose the wrong way to make myself happy. I started trying to be bold enough to make sure people get attracted to me. I was lonely and I tried hard to have people around me. All my wanting things badly attitude in fact pushed people away from my life.
I started flirting with boys all of a sudden just to make sure I'm on the upper hand so that I won't be easily hurt by a guy. It wasn’t me but eventually, I became the kind of person everyone thought I am I started smoking and drinking just for people to appreciate that I'm a bold girl to make such choices.
But now after all these years, I realised that it wasn't me at least not the real me. When I had a lot of issues with my self-confidence and forgiving myself from feeling guilty now I started taking time for myself.
I took some time to think and I kept on thinking till I found all the answers for every mistake I have done till now and at one moment it suddenly struck me soo hard.
I’ve got all the answers to every WHY? and that self-analysis was very essential for me. I realised that now after all the exploring and discovering myself, I am free from all the guilt now.
I'm proud of myself now that I have taken that step back a few days before. It helped me see myself as a better person and I knew that I'm no more emotionally weak because I know what I want I know myself completely.
I have the answers for everything now and that confidence helped me become a stronger woman the best of myself I have ever seen till now.
I want you to have that happiness as well. I want you to spend time with yourself. Just get out there into the world and try to explore your best self. I know it's deep down there in everyone. It’s never too late buddy.
You're going to sit for yourself and start thinking of all those things that mattered to you till now and find out the answer for every WHY?